
So things look a little different around here.  It has been a rough couple of months with the passing of my father to lung cancer and with that a reexamination of my life. I am so much more than writer and seeing that I am still in the stages of being a new fledgling writer, I have kind of run out of things to blog about. Why should this blog be so narrow focused? The short answer is that it shouldn’t! Long ago I embraced my geek inner self and I see no reason that I cannot put it on full display. Besides, if you know the author from aspects other than writing, you may gain a deeper insight as to how or why I write the way I do. It’s time to examine the geek side and embrace how awesome it is. The old high school stereotype couldn’t be farther from the truth. I’m more than just a writer. I am a geek.

What use to be Chronicles of a Writer has now become Geekology.

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