
Doing a little housekeeping on the site today as some pages needing cleaning up. Some links needed updating for Prince of the Dawn as Amazon has finally put the paperback and kindle page up on their site. The menu on the right has been cleaned up a bit and I’ve added my Facebook page for easy access.

Now onto the important news that people want to know, where is Anathema? Well, sitting on my laptop waiting to be uploaded. The past two weeks have been busy and I just have not gotten around to it as of yet. So, as recompense, I will be putting up multiple chapters this week to get caught up to where I should be.

The light at the end of the tunnel

potd cover

There is something to be said for sticking it through until the end.  When it involves writing a novel, it can be a very long tunnel that you have to wade through to reach that end goal, that glorious light of accomplishment. I’ve been writing this book for about a year now and I can happily say that I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It wasn’t easy though.

Many people dream of being a writer, a novelist, an author. They are a people of dreams who want to share their fantastic vision with everyone else. They are storytellers who create wondrous new worlds and skalds that believe in retelling history with a bit of flare to remember what has happened.  There is power in dreams and the worlds that are created with that power can be awe inspiring. No wonder there are so many people who aspire to be a writer.

Yet, most will never see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve seen various statistics on a writer’s success rate, which if you take an average of them, comes out to  about 6,400:1 odds that you will get published. Not very good odds is it. Still there is hope.

This average, however, is based on traditional methods of publishing your work. You find a literary agent and then they find you a publishing company to release your work. That is a lot of middlemen between you and your readers. While it may work for some people, for a growing number of new writers (like myself), the ends don’t justify the means any longer.

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