Prince of the Dawn Released

The year of the Night Reign has begun!

The day has finally arrived. The Night Reign Chronicles: Prince of the Dawn has been officially released in paperback. You can find the book at the Createspace store at the link below. The book should also hit the main Amazon site in about a week. The ebook was suppose to be released on the Kindle Store today, but unfortunately, the formatting was seriously messed up. I will be working extra hard to get that fixed and released as quickly as possible for those of you who want an ebook version instead of the physical book.

So again, a huge thank you to everyone who has helped me these past few years to get this book ready for release. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The Night Reign Chronicles: Prince of the Dawn

Paperback (6×9, 292 pages)
Price: $11.99
Can be found atCreateSpace (paperback), Amazon (paperback & kindle)

Building a Fantasy Horror Setting

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So one of the big reasons I started this blog was to kind of two fold. The first was to provide an outlet for the random writing thoughts that I have to inspire myself and others to be better. This, in theory, would allow me to network a little with other writers and generally introduce myself to the world of writing. The second was to be a place I could share information and updates on the novels that I’m working on. The little short stories are nice and all, but the meat and potatoes of what I write is my baby called The Night Reign Chronicles.

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