Prince of the Dawn Released

The year of the Night Reign has begun!

The day has finally arrived. The Night Reign Chronicles: Prince of the Dawn has been officially released in paperback. You can find the book at the Createspace store at the link below. The book should also hit the main Amazon site in about a week. The ebook was suppose to be released on the Kindle Store today, but unfortunately, the formatting was seriously messed up. I will be working extra hard to get that fixed and released as quickly as possible for those of you who want an ebook version instead of the physical book.

So again, a huge thank you to everyone who has helped me these past few years to get this book ready for release. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The Night Reign Chronicles: Prince of the Dawn

Paperback (6×9, 292 pages)
Price: $11.99
Can be found atCreateSpace (paperback), Amazon (paperback & kindle)

Anathema: Chapter 10 is up

A day late, but Chapter 10 is up for your viewing pleasure.

Anathema Chapter 9 is up

It’s Sunday, which means another Chapter for Anathema is up. Check out Chapter 9!

Anathema Chapter 7 is here

And we are back with more chapters from Anathema! Chapter 7 is up for your viewing pleasure.

NaNoWriMo 2013

So I’ve been a bad person and haven’t updated this place in a month, but I had a good reason! National Novel Writing Month snuck up on me this year and I really didn’t clean up my plate of work before batting down the hatches and focusing on writing. With a novel hopefully going to print at the end of the year (Prince of the Dawn), the sequel’s first draft mostly done (Knight of Heaven), another series first draft going through its first round of edits (Battle Angels), as well as trying to edit and put up Anathema here on this site, I’ve been swamped and some things had to be put on hold.

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Book Review: Valor’s Choice

valors choiceAuthor: Tanya Huff
Genre: Military Sci-Fi

Synopsis: SSG Torrin Kerr is a soldier in the Confederation, a galactic civilization of different races that have banded together to fight the mysterious race of creatures simply known as The Others. SSG Kerr and her soldiers have recently been assigned a diplomatic mission to impress an emerging spacefaring race of reptile-like creatures called the Silviss in hopes of bringing them into the Confederation. The diplomacy goes well until someone decides to shoot down Kerr’s transport in the middle of a game reserve filled with raging adolescent Silviss. Now it is a fight for survival on an unfamiliar planet.

Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars

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